Webs Leagues

12 Modern Website Design Trends: Your Guide for 2025

You may think that you have seen all the modern website design trends. How more modern can it possibly get? In this short read, we are to tell you the top best modern web design trends that have stayed prevalent and prominent on the web, with their dominating visuals and attention-grabbing content layout.

Website designs are responsible for almost 85% of a visitor’s first impression of your business. A well-made website design with minimalist elements and seamless navigation will help you improve your sales numbers, brand awareness, and more.

In this guide, we’ve compiled impressive modern web design examples that are on the rise. These trends are expected to continue their ascent into 2025, making it the perfect time for you to gather some inspiration for your own website design.

What Are Modern Website Designs?

Modern web designs are not just about looks; visuals play a tremendous role when paired with functionality. When you plan on creating a modern web design page, you have to consider the user-friendly and visually stunning appeal incorporated into your website design.

Your modern website design should reflect the essence of your brand and maintain a clean, minimalistic layout, high-quality loading and speed, and bold fonts to grab the user’s attention instantly. While the first impression is undeniably essential, your modern website design should also ensure that your visitors remain engaged throughout their journey. Another vital aspect of a modern website design is its adaptability to various devices, ensuring that it doesn’t limit user access in any way.

An additional bonus to a modern website design is the level of interactivity. If you have interactive features such as parallax scrolling, drop-down elements, creative cursors, and other 3D features, you can bring your brand to life right in front of your users as they stay engaged. Voila! Mission accomplished.

Are you interested in owning a microsite? Read our blog, “All You Need to Know About Microsites,” to get the best insights to help you make a finalized decision.

12 Modern Web Design Examples for 2025

Here are 12 modern website design examples currently trending and will be in the future. These will help you gain inspiration for your next website design project or help you find ways to update your current website design.

1. Full Page Headers

Full-page headers are rising and will be one of those modern website design trends that will continue into 2025. This trend allows you to instantly grab your user’s attention by adding different variations and focus points. However, you must be careful not to overdo it on your header page; this can be overwhelming, and you will lose the whole purpose of keeping your users engaged.

Viewers tend to focus more on your page’s features and the top-left corner. To illustrate this trend, we have used IZHAK as a modern website design example.


With a full-page header like this and bold lettering, you will instantly grab your viewer’s attention, making them wonder what your website is about and want to learn more about you. You can include clear CTA (call-to-action) buttons and your brand name in the top left corner, like in the website design example above.

IZHAK exhibits fun scrolling and ensures that its website design is responsive. The main focus of the word from the example above is oversized. Plus, the colors used for the full-page header are a mix of neon orange and red, while their brand name is neon green, implying successful color theory and bold lettering for easy reading. While scrolling down, their advertisement strategy keeps you thinking about what it is all about. That is a way to keep your users on your website.

2. Playful Cursors

Plain cursors are not fun anymore. While not all websites need to have an artistic cursor, you can keep it to a simple dot that follows around as well. The point is that playful cursors are trending and are one of those website design features that will stick around in 2025. Through a playful cursor, users naturally stay longer, following the cursor along and even playing around with it a little (if it includes more fun and playful elements).

With playful cursors, it is natural for users to have a good time on your website. However, your cursor does not have to be too complex, as that could end up being frustrating for users. The key here is balance. For this modern website design example feature, we used Thinkingbox.


The dotted cursor is one of those playful trends that are on the rise for modern website designs. Here, Thinkingbox uses a unique dot cursor with a shadow effect. It hovers around smoothly, acting like a bulls-eye effect for the users. This cursor promotes a natural occurrence of interest, intuitive navigation, and smooth navigation.


Instead of adding additional moving graphics or elements, they keep the entire website design minimalistic and simple. That results in a modern effect.


Read more: The Cost to Build a Website for a Small Business in 2024: Everything You Need to Know.

3. Customized Illustrations and Graphics

Owning a customized website design brings you a package full of benefits for your brand and the purpose of your website. Illustrations and Graphics add that extra effect and breathe life into your website design. They show your users that you did not simply take images off Google, slap them on your website, and call it a day.

Customized illustrations are a great way to represent a brand’s uniqueness and an inspirational way to promote your brand. Because of this increased modern website design trend, they will be with us in 2025. For this modern website design example, we will look into Duolingo.


At one glance, when you see this specific shade of green against white, or when you see this green, you will know it is Duolingo. How did they achieve this modern website design trend? Well, the answer lies in their customized illustrations and website design. Every character they have made is true to their branding. Their custom illustration is also applied to the flags and other design elements.

4. Parallax Scrolling

Parallax scrolling isn’t fading away; it’s gliding smoothly into 2025 as a modern website design trend. This trend can be used in various ways and used to your advantage. Depending on how you use this trend, you can make your website design look like a short video. At the same time, users scroll through it, or your website is made so easy that while users continuously scroll, they are anticipated and excited to know the end result of your website design. This modern website design example uses Wix Space Animation Design & Effects.

Parallax scrolling

Parallax scrolling adds magic to your website. This modern website design trend is used when your website design includes more visuals than written text. If there is any text, it is bold, making viewers stop to learn more. The modern website design example mentioned includes features about space and clouds, where, in the beginning, it shows an astronaut falling from the sky. The overall effect greatly impacts viewers, creating a weightless result to the overall concept.

If you want to incorporate the modern web design trend of parallax scrolling, similar to the example above. In that case, Websleagues can deliver the best results with custom Wix web design services. With a team of professional Wix website designers and developers, your website will include parallax scrolling that matches the aesthetic of your brand image.

Learn more: Why Site Speed Matters and How To Improve It?

5. White Space

While your website doesn’t have to be filled with color or graphics, some designs use white space to their advantage, and it shows. White space is one of those website design trends that you will see in 2025. We will look at the Apple MacBook Air for this modern web design example.

MacBook Air

While this website design example does include parallax scrolling, it also uses white space to its full advantage, focusing the center on the bold lettering “MacBook Air” and the MacBooks moving around the white space throughout the website.


White space is one of those website design trends that allows your viewers to identify your website’s hierarchy. While it can be difficult to achieve and successfully look good for your brand image, it is not impossible to achieve. By including white space in your website design, you improve your website’s user experience.

6. Image Headers

Do not confuse this with full-page headers. Image headers are less on your face and more focused on the image represented on the website. This modern website design trend is common for artists and musicians to use on their websites. Image headers will join us in 2025 as an effective modern web page design. In the modern web design examples list, we use Atlas to represent image headers best.


The image used in the website header perfectly describes the website design’s overall purpose. The large “search job location” bar and bold font used are for instant attraction. The overall layout of the website design is simple, clean, and purposeful, making it a perfect modern web design example.

Are you interested in fitness websites? Read our blog, “How To Build a Fitness Website: Your Simple 10-Step Guide.

7. Grid Design

You will notice websites owned by artists or designers who create website portfolios that mainly use grid designs. This is one of those modern website designs that will certainly be a recurring trend in 2025. Grid designs add a playful touch to your overall website, mixing minimalism and art with an edge. The best modern website design example for this is Darren Oorloff.

Grid designs

Many artists and portfolio website owners use a grid layout design to represent their art in an asymmetric layout. Grid designs enable modern website designers to create complex but simple responsive website layouts. For art, it makes browning through music easier.

8. Microinteractions

Microinteraction in modern websites is a staple for websites that include interactive elements. White, your entire website doesn’t need to be interactive. You can add micro interactive elements to boost user experience and maintain engagement. While interactive websites already engage in themselves, micro-interactive websites are on the rise, aiming toward 2025. Rocket Air is added to the modern website design examples list for 2025. Here is why.

modern website design

This modern website design example shows clear expertise in digital and micro interactive design elements. The overall features are well-balanced, ensuring there is no overload of too many interactive elements (yes, that is also possible).

Are you looking for a website design similar to this? Websleagues has a team of professionals who have mastered the art of micro interactive website designs. Since website owners are fascinated by the modern website design trends on the rise, our team has adapted superior strategies to apply these trends effectively to your website design.

Read more: A Simple Guide To Choosing An Affordable Web Design Agency.

9. Bold Typography

So far, in this list of modern web design examples, you may have noticed that many website designs use bold and edgy typography on their headers. The reason for using such typography is all about the psychology behind it. Big, bold words attract users more, making them easily read through your website. It almost has an in-your-face effect. Of course, you should apply this modern website design trend in moderation. A classic example of bold typography and moderation is Barneys Brunch House.

modern website design

Bold typography is at its peak now; therefore, it is one of those modern website design trends that will continue to flourish in 2025. In the above modern website design example, you can see the text moderation, showing the viewers that they serve brunch. Through this bold typography, they have communicated their brand’s entire purpose: to serve brunch.

Informative read: How To Choose A Web Design Agency.

10. Minimalistic Designs

Minimalistic website designs with a single important message grasp viewers’ attention. This website design trend has an overall look that is clean, precise, and simple to navigate. Minimalistic website designs are often paired with bold typography. While this is not compulsory, it is a modern website design trend we have noticed rising. This is why we have added minimalist designs to the list and are making an entrance in 2025. A modern web design example of this is Christy Anne Jones.

Christy Anne Jones

This stunning modern website design example mixes up the perfect balance of white space, simple typography, and contrasting colors. While the core message is clear, the uncluttered and simple layout brings more focus to the photos and display.

11. Dark Mode

While dark theme websites are used for specific branding strategies and website designs, they have to suit your overall brand aesthetic. For this modern website design trend, you need to be mindful of how you apply this. Some websites offer a dark and light mode feature for enhanced user experience, while some website designs opt for a more edgy effect, keeping their option to single dark mode themed. Because of user preferences, we see this modern website design rising in 2025. Here is a good example of a dark-mode websites: Avocado Systems.

Avocado Systems

You can clearly see how strategically the dark mode theme has been implemented in this modern website design example. While it is not completely dark, it still adds that effect. Pairing this modern feature with bold white typography adds extra emphasis to the words of the brand’s focus.

12. Storytelling Website Designs

If you want to effectively communicate with your target audience, what better way than to engage them with a fun, animated storytelling website design? We have recently noticed the rise of storytelling website designs, where the designer, developer, or brand creates awareness for a cause or shares personal experiences through modern website design. This trend is certainly on the rise and is expected to have a significant impact in 2025 as well. Modern website design examples for this trend is The Boat.

The Boat

While this modern website design can be seen as a parallax scroll design, it is not. The main difference is that it is story-based, meaning there will be more content than parallax scrolling websites. This modern website design example includes several motion elements and a lot of content that viewers must read. This is the main purpose of the entire website design: to tell the story.

Ready to Own a Modern Website Design?

Whether you are a large industry or an individual looking to share your story, a modern website design can help you gain the recognition you deserve. If you feel that your website design lacks a professional and modern touch, consider having it professionally made to align with the emerging trends that will make a strong impact in 2025. One can get carried away with all the exciting features and elements of modern website design, which can disrupt the whole purpose of a modern website design if used that way.

Websleagues offers a range of web design and development services to boost brand recognition and communicate your message to the right audience through a modern and effective website design. Our team stays contemporized with the latest trends and significant changes that are in high demand in the competitive market. With a focus on enhancing brand engagement and recognition, and optimizing conversion rates, you can depend on our services as we know what makes a good web design. Acquire your ideal contemporary website design with Websleagues at cost-effective and reasonable prices.


What will websites look like in 2025?

Micro-interactive website designs are expected to increase by 2025 due to their sophisticated and modern effects, engaging viewers, and providing aesthetic appeal.

What is the latest trend in web design?

While there is no single latest trend in web design, it is safe to say that white space design and micro interactive website designs are currently on the rise.

What do modern websites look like?

Modern web designs include several elements that contribute to their overall aesthetic. These include full-page headers, playful cursors, customized illustrations, parallax scrolling, white space, image headers, grid designs, micro-interactions, bold typography, minimalistic designs, dark mode, and storytelling web designs.

What is brutalist web design?

A brutalist website design is more unpolished and raw, with features and elements intentionally created to look cluttered. It is the complete opposite of minimalistic website designs.